Why Should You Consume A Pre-workout Supplement?
Pre-workout supplements are formulas that help to boost performance by increasing mental focus and energy levels and decreasing muscle soreness during a workout session. There are a variety of pre-workout supplements available on the market example, creatine, BCAAs, L-arginine, caffeine, etc. Every pre-workout supplement has its characteristics example creatine helps in increasing energy levels by storing more phosphocreatine in the muscles, nitric oxide precursors help in vasodilation of the muscles ruling out soreness or extreme depletion of muscles after a heavy workout, etc. Consuming pre-workouts gives you the benefit to perform better without any significant depletion of the muscle mass. HFN's Shoot Up extreme pre-workout ingredient list: HFN’s shoot-up extreme pre-workout consists of: ➤ Nitric oxide complex (Beta-Alanine, L-arginine, L-citrulline DL malate, Agmatine sulphate, and ACL). ➤ Stime AMPed mix (Nicotinic acid, 1,3,7-trimethylxanthine, Di ca...